Thursday, June 20, 2013

For my Bestie- Lindsay.

Okay.. So here goes.. I haven't been blogging in awhile. Started off real enthusiastic about it, but then the projects I was blogging about started taking over my life. Its a great way to find yourself, and I did. I discovered that I am creative, and artistic. But I guess in a way it was covering up bigger issues. The issue with the relationship I was in- avoiding the boyfriend who was not meant to be mine- avoiding the lack of motivation for other things. Things like my weight, and my health. I was avoiding those too.
Yesterday: My bestie starts a blog. Let me side track for a minute: This girl, let me tell you, is one of the most amazing people I have EVER met. Period. She is caring, and loving, and patient. Very tolerant (I guess she would need to be with a friend like me lol) She is strong, and brave, she has always taken care of me. She is my nurse when I'm sick, she is the shoulder I cry on. This girl knows absolutely everything about me. She is my family.
Okay, Blog. She starts a blog about her struggle with her weight, and her sudden will power to save herself. Remember me saying she was brave? This is why: what woman wants to put their weight up on a public blog for other to view and judge? she did. It takes a special kind of person to be that vulnerable. Well let me tell you what, since my Bestie, Lindsay, is so brave, why the hell not be brave myself?!? This is the reason I decided to start writing again. To tell everyone, and make a promise to myself, that I will be brave as well. I have set my mind to the changes I want to happen, and so they will be done.
This is me, after walking outside in the 80+ degree heat. 30 minutes. Uphill for 15. I'm probably gonna die. lol It actually wasn't too bad. I feel good, accomplished.
 This is me at 221 pounds. That is only 1 pound less then January, and 4 pounds less then last year when I weighted before that. One of my issues, is that I've been dieting. I've been consuming 99% more fruits and vegetables then I've ever eaten in my life- ever. Cut back on my calories- way back- and nothing. I decided because of my besties blog, and her strength, that I will try harder. Mix it up- exercise. And probably most important, see my doctor. Make sure there is nothing stopping me from achieving my goals.
I have decided to at least try and quit smoking- to obviously save money- and to clear my lungs of all that crap. To wake up 30 minutes early every morning (that's 5am people!) and walk for 30 minutes- at least 5 times a week. To do squats and jumping jacks on my day off (who needs a gym) To be healthy. That's what I want to be. Honestly, I could care less about the number, I actually like the way I look. But I feel like its making me sluggish, and one thing I cant stand is lazy.
So this is me. Taking my best friends motivation and running with it. Hopefully soon, we will be two hot, skinny, healthy bitches, lounging on the beach.
I love you Lindsay, and Thank you for being so amazing.